My best friend and I escaped the real world this weekend, headed to Daylesford – home of mineral springs and day spas, with full intentions of getting very involved in all of the local offerings. It started with a glorious selection of patés and wine and ended in much the same way, with friendly locals, gourmet pub meals, roadside flower purchases and Paris reunions in between. We did everything – day spa, markets, pub raffle (we’ll win the meat tray next time!), wine bars, walks and even found a birthday present for Mum.

From our brilliant Airbnb we started to brainstorm ways to be able to live there. Open a late night wine bar. Drive a taxi. Open a market stall. Anything. Daylesford exudes a warmth and a welcome I’ve not experienced in a long time, and it made us want to stay there forever. We’ll be back.

Live the adventure here.